7 Things That Won’t Happen When You Switch to Mul-T-Lock

Locksmith Products - High Security KeysTraditional lock hardware can be picked in mere seconds with a few simple tools found on the internet. YouTube videos teach criminals how to gain access into homes and businesses through traditional locks with ease. High security Mul-T-Lock cylinders can greatly increase the effectiveness of your existing door hardware, offering the best resistance to bumping, picking, and forced entry techniques. “A” Locksmith can simply switch out your traditional lock’s cylinder with a Mul-T-Lock cylinder. This is a cost effective solution that is a critical first line of defense against burglars and home invaders. Here’s what you won’t have to worry about if you make the switch.

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Burglarized? Reclaim Control

Lock-Picking BurglarA burglary can be very stressful, if not frightening for your family. Fortunately, the average Naples resident is most vulnerable to a break-in while they are away from home and most burglaries happen while the homeowners are at work or on vacation. With gas stations, mom-and-pop shops, and restaurants beefing up security, once easy targets for criminals are now higher-risk for a burglar so they move onto easier targets. This leaves average homeowner’s with poor physical security more vulnerable to burglaries. Get your power back, reclaim control of your security, and protect your family’s home with these simple burglary prevention tips.

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