Why buy a safe from a local locksmith and not online?
Some of you may have been tempted to shop online for your next safe, but is this a good idea? You may ask yourself, “what’s the difference?” or “what makes the stuff at a locksmith’s shop better?”. We have five very good reasons you should shop your local locksmith store instead of buying a safe online. 1. Genuine Products, 2. Delivery, 3. Installation, 4. Service, 5. Customer for Life. Read on to find out the best way to buy a safe!
Genuine Products – Well the first and most important thing you need to know, is that the internet is filled with bait and switch scams running out of foreign countries. Even when purchasing on trusted mega online retailer websites, it’s still very common to get a pair of Adido’s shoes or a Romex watch regardless of what was advertised. Once you realize you’ve been sold a dud or counterfeit product, the supplier will say, “Sure, just return it for a full refund!” to which you begin to realize that the shipping to the foreign country or a warehouse across the country will cost more than the refund you’ll receive! At “A” Locksmith, we purchase products through authorized channels and usually directly from the manufacturer, so you can be sure you will receive a genuine product you can rely on when the time comes. Don’t get scammed, look for and only buy from authorized dealers as listed on the manufacturer’s website.
Delivery – Even if you get lucky and actually get the product as advertised for an okay price, the next issue is delivery, and it is a big one! If you order a moderately sized safe with any level of burglary protection you are probably looking at 200 to 4,000 pounds of steel being dropped off curbside and a hefty shipping charge to get it there. For those unfamiliar with shipping terms curbside delivery means your item will be delivered on the road or sidewalk nearest to your home and that you need to get it from the street into your home. We get those calls all the time from shoppers of big-box stores and online retailers, “Help! The shipping company just dumped my safe on the side of the street and I need to get it in my house NOW!”. Don’t be that guy, calling in a panic trying to get a 1,500 lbs safe lifted and moved in a hurry. Trust me, even if you get “Free Shipping” you are still paying for shipping charges in the price of the safe and then the headache of moving it into your home.
Installation – Any locksmith worth their salt will offer delivery and bolt down as a service alongside their safe sale. “A” Locksmith goes a step further than our competitors and will take the time to show you how to use your safe, how to care for it, how to change the batteries, and even how to change your security code. Ask them to do that for you at the big-box store, you know the online retailer isn’t going to do it. Proper installation of your safe is critical for your safety and for the maximum effectiveness of your safe. Even heavy safes can tip when the door is opened if not bolted properly. If your safe can be knocked over, it makes cracking it open a piece of cake for burglars.
Service – Finally, we have the issue with ownership responsibility. You see once an online retailer has sold you something, it is yours. They have neither the care, nor the know-how to help you should anything go wrong. Your local locksmith however will also be able to help you with any questions about the safe and should be able to send technicians to your door to help take care of any warranty work or maintenance your safe may need. We are the guys you can call in the middle of the night who will be happy to help solve your issues. Plus, as an authorized retailer of quality safes, many with lifetime warrantees, we will go to bat for you with the manufacturer should your safe be defective or should a burglary attempt or fire damage your safe. Most of the safes we sell offer lifetime replacement guarantees, so that if they are damaged during fires or burglary attacks, you get a new one free of charge!
Customer for Life – The difference of buying local is entirely about value. You get more bang for your buck, you get a small business that actually genuinely cares about you and your product and wants the best for you. Local businesses don’t want your business for the length of time needed to make one click on a screen. They want your business for life and will work to make sure you get honest, safe, personalized service. “A” Locksmith has been around for over 45 years and pride ourselves on keeping our word and keeping our customers happy and returning if ever they should need us again. We’ve delivered and installed over 8,000 safes around Naples. Ask your friends about us or check out our testimonials page. If you really like shopping online, we even have a website for that yet provide the same service excellence, warranty, support, and delivery experience that has kept us in business for nearly half a century!